Lyme Literate Doctors Near me | How to find Lyme Doctors?

Lyme disease cases are on the rise as the CDC reported a staggering 59% increase in diagnosed cases in the US which brings the yearly number to nearly half a million.

Lyme disease can be a complex illness, and getting the proper diagnosis and treatment can feel overwhelming.

If you suspect you may have Lyme disease, seeking out a Lyme-literate doctor (LLMD) can be a crucial step in your path to recovery.

This article will guide you through the process of finding qualified LLMDs in your area and answer key questions about Lyme disease specialists.

Who are LLMDs?

Lyme disease can be a frustrating illness. Diagnosis can be tricky, and symptoms can vary widely. If you're on the hunt for answers, you might come across the term Lyme Literate Doctor But what exactly is an LLMD, and how do they differ from traditional doctors?

Unlike infectious disease specialists who may not have extensive experience with Lyme, LLMDs are physicians who have dedicated time and effort to understanding Lyme disease.  Lyme disease can manifest in many ways, and they are better equipped to recognize these diverse presentations.

Ticks that carry Lyme disease can also transmit other illnesses. LLMDs are aware of these co-infections and can screen for them. Lyme disease can progress through different stages, each with its own set of challenges. LLMDs understand the complexities of the disease over time.

Many patients with Lyme disease report feeling unheard by traditional doctors. LLMDs often take a more open-minded approach to patient experiences and may be more willing to consider a wider range of possibilities when making a diagnosis.

There's no single path to becoming an LLMD.  These doctors have a broad medical background and may choose to specialize in Lyme disease. Some doctors from fields like internal medicine or rheumatology may develop a particular interest in Lyme disease.

While not all naturopaths are LLMDs, some focus on treating Lyme disease with natural therapies. It's important to note that conventional medicine is still crucial in managing Lyme disease. Even though LLMDs may use additional approaches, they should still adhere to standard diagnostic tests and core antibiotic treatments for Lyme disease when appropriate.

How to find a certified LLMD?

Here 3 ways to find a certified Lyme doctor:

1. is a resource specifically aimed at helping patients with Lyme disease find qualified doctors. They understand the challenges patients face in securing proper diagnosis and treatment due to the complexities of the illness. Here's how they can assist you:

For over 25 years, has been building a network of Lyme-literate practitioners. These are doctors who have dedicated time and effort to understanding Lyme disease, including its diverse symptoms, potential co-infections, and treatment options at various stages. offers a free physician directory to help you locate LLMDs in your area.  Registration is required, but it's free and protects the privacy of the listed doctors. They recognize that insurance coverage and accepting new patients can vary by practice.  While they can't guarantee this information, they connect you directly with the LLMDs' contact details so you can inquire about specifics.

The directory provides contact information, but it's up to you to contact the doctor's office to confirm details about appointments and insurance.

A free membership gives you access to the doctor directory. For additional benefits like the "Lyme Times" digital newsletter and exclusive content, a paid membership is required.


ILADS, the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society, is dedicated to improving the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease and related illnesses. Founded by physicians and scientists, ILADS aims to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment, promote understanding through research and education, and support healthcare professionals dedicated to improving patient outcomes.

One key role of ILADS is providing educational resources for healthcare professionals. They host conferences featuring expert presentations on the latest research in tick-borne diseases and collaborate with ILADEF to enhance clinical skills in treating Lyme disease patients.

ILADS also promotes evidence-based treatment approaches, advocating for comprehensive care for patients with ongoing symptoms after standard antibiotic regimens. By bridging the gap between patient needs, research, and treatment options, ILADS plays a crucial role in advancing Lyme disease care and improving the lives of those affected by these illnesses.

You just have to go to their official website and contact them for further details. Moreover, you can share your location with them to find an LLMD near you.

3.   Instructions to search for Lyme Groups on Facebook

Facebook groups can be a valuable resource for individuals with Lyme disease, offering a platform to connect with others who understand their experiences, learn from fellow patients about treatment approaches and managing symptoms, and discover resources such as specialists and educational materials.

However, there are considerations to keep in mind when using these groups. Information shared may not always be accurate, so consulting with healthcare professionals is essential before making treatment decisions. Additionally, experiences with Lyme disease vary, so what works for one person may not work for another.

Research and Get Referrals from other Patients.

Researching doctors and reading patient reviews online can provide valuable insights and knowledge. Additionally, connecting with other patients through local and online support groups focused on Lyme diseases can be beneficial. Seeking recommendations and personal experiences from fellow patients can be particularly useful in finding doctors specialized in various tick-borne illnesses.

It is worth noting that Lyme Literate Doctors may face backlash from the medical community or public, so many Lyme patients will not publicly state the name of their physician on social media platforms, but instead may message you directly with that information.

You can consult Lyme Disease Foundation – Find State Support Groups and Lyme Disease Foundation – Support Groups to connect to Lyme disease support groups online in USA.

Ask Lyme Literate Questions

When searching for a doctor who specializes in treating tick-borne diseases, it's important to ask some key questions to ensure they are the right fit for your needs. Here are some suggested questions to ask:

·     What is your experience in treating patients with tick-borne diseases?

This question helps gauge the doctor's familiarity and expertise in dealing with these specific conditions.

·    How do you diagnose tick-borne diseases? Do you use any specific labs or lab tests to confirm diagnosis?

Understanding the diagnostic approach will give you insights into their methodology and whether they rely on specific tests or laboratories for accurate diagnosis.

·     Do you test for coinfections?

Tick-borne diseases can often be accompanied by other infections. It's important to know if the doctor considers and tests for these coinfections as well. If a doctor tells you co-infections are not important, consider other options, as correct co-infection diagnosis and treatment can impact your healing journey.

·    Do you use traditional antibiotics and/or herbals?

This question addresses the doctor's treatment philosophy. Some doctors may incorporate herbal or alternative treatments alongside traditional antibiotics, so it's important to know their approach.

·    Do you have any patient success stories you can share?

Hearing about previous patients' successes can provide reassurance and insight into the doctor's track record and potential treatment outcomes.

·    Do you strictly adhere to CDC test interpretation criteria, or are you open to alternative criteria?

 This question delves into the doctor's willingness to consider alternative interpretations of test results. It's valuable to know if they are open to exploring different perspectives and criteria. 

Remember, these questions serve as a starting point, and you may have additional inquiries based on your specific situation. It's essential to have open and transparent communication with the doctor to ensure you make an informed decision about your healthcare.

Prepare for your Lyme literate appointment

To improve your chances of an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment, it is important to provide your doctor with comprehensive information from the beginning. Here is a checklist to help you remember what to bring and discuss during your initial visit:

Tick testing and identification

If you were able to remove or locate the tick that bit you, place it in a sealed glass or plastic container and consider sending it to a laboratory for testing. You can also photograph the tick or have its species identified beforehand, if possible. Knowing the type of tick and whether it has tested positive for any tick-borne diseases can greatly assist your doctor in the diagnostic process. If the tick is still being tested at the time of your doctor's appointment, you may still be able to begin treatment based on the severity of your symptoms.

Note possible exposure

Make a note of the locations and dates where you suspect you were exposed to ticks. Also, include the possible date and time of day when the engorged tick attached to you and either fell off or was removed.

Track your symptoms

Keep a detailed record of all the symptoms you have experienced since the tick bite, even if some of them have subsided. Include the dates, times, and durations of each symptom's occurrence. This log will help your doctor understand the progression and nature of your symptoms.

Take pictures

Capture photographs of any rashes or blisters that you have observed at the site of the tick bite or elsewhere on your body. These visual records can be valuable in documenting the physical manifestations of your condition.

By following this checklist, you can provide your doctor with essential information and documentation to support your diagnosis and treatment. Remember to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice and guidance regarding your specific situation.

Why it is important to consult an LLMD for Lyme disease treatment?

LLMDs have specialized knowledge and experience in diagnosing and treating Lyme disease. They are familiar with the complexities of the infection, its co-infections, and the potential for chronic Lyme disease. LLMDs are often at the forefront of research and advancements in Lyme disease treatment, as they regularly attend conferences, collaborate with other experts, and stay up to date with the latest scientific developments.

LLMDs are skilled in recognizing the various manifestations of Lyme disease, including the acute phase, early disseminated phase, and late-stage or chronic Lyme disease. They understand the significance of conducting thorough testing and considering clinical symptoms when making a diagnosis. This is crucial because Lyme disease tests can produce false negatives, leading to misdiagnosis or delayed treatment.

Moreover, LLMDs are well-versed in the complexities of Lyme disease treatment protocols. They understand that a one-size-fits-all approach is inadequate for this illness and that treatment plans should be tailored to each individual's specific needs. LLMDs may utilize a combination of antibiotics, herbal therapies, immune system support, and lifestyle modifications to address the multi-faceted aspects of Lyme disease and its co-infections.

By consulting an LLMD, patients can benefit from their expertise and receive appropriate and timely treatment. LLMDs possess the knowledge and experience necessary to navigate the complexities of Lyme disease, improve diagnostic accuracy, and implement comprehensive treatment plans, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes.

Final Words

In conclusion, finding a Lyme-literate doctor (LLMD) is crucial for those with Lyme disease. LLMDs understand the complexities of the illness and offer specialized care. Resources like,, and Facebook groups can help locate LLMDs and provide support. By connecting with knowledgeable practitioners and supportive communities, individuals with Lyme disease can navigate their journey to recovery with confidence.


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